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Catalog of the author's books

Story of an Unusual friendship
The amazing world of Deni!
Incredible alien adventures
Author: Ekaterina Omysheva
Illustrator: Juanjo Jimenez
Story of an Unusual friendship
In the moments when you are sad and want to cry remember that you are not alone, because there is the most beloved person always by your side!
ISBN: 9788418683282
Size: 210 X 210
Pages: 38 art.
Binding: Hardcover
This is one of those wonderful stories about friendship that teaches each of us to look at what is happening through the eyes of the heart.
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Age category 3+
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Mr. Momo
Category: Personal and social problems: self-knowledge and self-esteem (children/youth)

Author: Larisa Omysheva

Incredible alien adventures

Publisher : Círculo Rojo
Size: 210 X 210
Pages: 36 art.
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Language: Spanish

Binding: soft cover

ISBN‏: ‎978-84-1104-833-0
Age category: 4+

An alien squad, made up of two heroes who received an SOS signal, was sent to rescue a dying star.

Author: Ekaterina Omysheva
Illustrator: Larisa Omysheva

The wonderful world of Denis

You never know what is hiding on the other side of the coin. And how often things that are incomprehensible to us do not actually carry anything mysterious or mystical, if one just looks closely or listens to one's heart.

ISBN: 978-84-19106-26-1
Size: 24 X 17
Pages: 36 art.
Binding: Hardcover

The adventures of Denis the ant allow every young reader to look at things from a different angle and accept in a different way things that are happening around. May a world full of wonders open up before you!

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Age category: 4+
Language: Spanish
Publisher: BABIDI-BÚ
Category: Personal and social problems: self-knowledge and self-esteem (children/youth)

Author: Ekaterina Omysheva


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Katerina & Larisa, daughter and mother, sharing their common dream through their children's books.

Larisa has devoted herself to illustration since childhood. There was hardly a day she left home without her favorite drawing pad to capture what was happening around. A favorite thing always had a place in the daily routine. Time passed, drawing methods improved, the notebook was replaced by an iPad.

Each of their books instills in the young reader the key values of our society and teaches them to look at the world with wide-open eyes!

Katerina followed in her mother's footsteps and was passionate about illustration from her school years, attending art school. Nevertheless the ability to write prose was a primary need. But the letters turned into words by themselves and captured her more and more.

The key moment of their joint creativity was the appearance of children in the family, who later became a source of inspiration for new projects. The publication of stories for "the youngest" is that small part of the emotions that they could give to the children of the new generation.

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